Oct 5, 2012

From MyDato on October 5

Just for MySweet&LovelyOne&Only beloved wife, Siti Aisah Binti Sapiee..

First and foremost.. I want you to know,
I love you..
I love you more day by day..
I love you since the first time we met..
I love you more than you can ever imagine..
I love you with all my heart & my soul..
I love you and will always be..
I love you..

Dear Love,
Happy Birthday to you.. Alhamdulillah, I thank God,

for giving life to you..
for giving the world a person that is truly amazing, which is you..
for giving me my life, that is you..
for giving me the one for me, it’s you..
for giving me, you..
Thank you, Allah..

My Dear Everything,

Happy Birthday to you.. I want you to know,
I love you..
I cannot imagine a world, without you in it..
I love you..
I cannot imagine my life, without you by my side..
I love you..
I cannot imagine living, without you..

Sygb.. B syg nyo .. Happy Birthday nyo.. Yum3 nyo..

With  love, hugs & kisses,
Your hubby, Deskandar Bin Morjidi

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