May 30, 2012

Beli Semalam, Hari Ini Dapat!

First time beli dari ThePopLook, and FIY... I am a very satisfied with the services (order form, feedback from them, payment method used, postal!) and also satisfied with the item yang aku order semalam! yeyyyy!!!!

5 stars for ThePopLook! ^^

bukan tu jer tau, dorang jugak sediakan borang "Return and Exchange" just in case kalau ader customer yang tak puas hati dengan item yang dihantar dorang...EXCELLENT kan? (^^)v

tak caye? lemme show u!

the wrap! 
return & exchange form
their signature! the cover =)
ni item yg aku beli ^^ tak nak tunjuk sumer! hikhik...

esok, kalau aku ader mase aku nak update lagi k?

p/s : seronok shopping online kalau seller kasi the best services kan? thanks ThePopLook!